A WordPress flaw: no paged comments

A snag with the most wonderful WordPress is that comments to a post are not broken down into pages. With over eighty comments and climbing fast, this post on slow Outlook 2007 is getting slow to load. Fitting, I guess, but I’d rather it performed better. I looked in vain for a WordPress option to split the comments into pages. I did find this plugin, but although it works it looks bad with the theme I’m using. I suppose a few hours hacking would fix it. I reckon a paging option should be built into WordPress as it will always be a problem on heavily commented posts.


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2 thoughts on “A WordPress flaw: no paged comments”

  1. You should pass this feature request to the WordPress developers. In the meantime, you may have to close discussion comments on that blog posting if it gets too out of hand.

    It is just unfortunate that your blog is the top Google ranking for outlook 2007 problems :-).

  2. > It is just unfortunate that your blog is the top Google ranking for
    > outlook 2007 problems :-).

    I am not going to close the discussion, which is a useful one. And who am I to argue with Google 🙂


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